#water #metabolism #hydrogen #10acity
“Water, good rest and sleep cannot be taken for granted” — Paul Ebeling
Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to speed up your digestion, burn calories, and improve your metabolism.
The recommended minimum is 8 glasses a day, but drinking may not hurt. Studies show that downing 6 cups of cold water a day can raise your resting metabolism, burn extra calories and lead to a possible weight loss of 5lbs a yr.
Our body not only burns more calories raising the temperature of the water, but water also fills us up, decreases our hunger, and makes us eat less.
Water is the secret to life, and to our metabolism, 70% of the Earth is water as is 60% of our body.
Drink water 1st thing in the morning. I drink 10ACITY 3X hydrogenated water, helps me wake up and start my metabolism. And it does not fight with my espresso.
Get good rest and sound sleep
Have dinner, shower, read, and get in bed. Doing this repeatedly will teach your body to wind down and expect to sleep, making it easier for your to fall asleep. Remember not to do anything too stimulating before bed, like watching an action movie or exercising too close to bed time. Zzzzzz’s are very important for good health too!
The proven benefits behind 10ACITY hydrogenated pure spring water.
There are different methods you can use to consume molecular hydrogen. Each method has different benefits and we will expand on those benefits at the end of this article.
However, drinking hydrogen water is an amazing method to use if you want to stay hydrated. We are always being told to drink more water for good reason. Dehydration can lead to serious side effects.
There are lots of proven benefits of staying hydrated, including: Improved cardiovascular health. Keeps you cool. Improved muscle and joint function. Helps the body remove wastes. Skin health and more.
Drinking water can also help cut consumption of unhealthy things, like sugary sodas, artificially flavored juice drinks and alcohol
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that leads to pain and swelling, mainly in the joints. A common condition, roughly 2-M people suffer from rheumatoid arthritis in the United States. Approximately 200,000 new cases occur each yr.
Hydrogen water benefits those suffering from this autoimmune disease. A 2012 study published in Medical Gas Research found that the use of hydrogen-rich water greatly reduced the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in 20 patients who drank hydrogen-rich water for 4 wks.
Molecular hydrogen (H2) is both powerful and selective. When consumed, the H2 in hydrogen-rich water is able to neutralize free radicals, including the hydroxyl free radical (OH). Although the exact cause for rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, the hydroxyl radical is one of the main culprits in the disease.
When H2 and OH meet, the result is harmless water (H2O). H2 donates one H for the reaction. Thus, hydrogen water neutralizes the hydroxyl free radical. Also, it eases oxidative stress and symptoms from a variety of issues are alleviated.
Many elements in the American diet are not good when it comes to health and wellness. Fast foods and snacks contain processed ingredients, saturated fats, and sugars that hurt the body. An eating plan that includes a lot of these things can lead to overweight and obesity.
According to the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC), 39.8% of the American population is obese and there is nothing positive about being fat.
Obesity is a threat to health. Threats include increased mortality, increased risk of heart disease, cancers, and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body is unable to use insulin properly. Insulin is the key factor when it comes to turning sugar into energy, alcohol is pure sugar. When a person has type 2 diabetes, insulin is unable to do its job, leading to blood sugar levels that are too high.
Over time, high blood glucose levels can lead to problems with the kidneys, eyes, nerves, and heart.
People with type 2 diabetes need to follow a healthy diet plan and take insulin shots in order to ease symptoms. Along with a plan prescribed by your general health care practitioner, the use of hydrogen water eases symptoms associated with type 2 diabetes.
According to a study published in Nutrition Research, the use of hydrogen-rich water can fight symptoms of type 2 diabetes by improving the metabolism of fats and sugars.
The study involved 30 participants with type 2 diabetes. One group drank hydrogen-rich water for eight weeks while the other drank plain water. After the trial period, researchers found that the group drinking hydrogen water saw a significant improvement in fat and sugar metabolism. These are two things that are important to the treatment of the disease.
Along with a good diet and exercise, drinking hydrogen water benefits those struggling with type 2 diabetes.
Along with physical illness, hydrogen water benefits the mind. Depression is a very common mood disorder.
When someone suffers from depression, it can feel difficult/impossible to function in everyday life. Even simple tasks like brushing your teeth or taking a shower can seem impossible.
Depression is often treated with a combination of talk therapy and antidepressants. Antidepressants increase neurogenesis, which is the growth of nervous tissue. In a study involving mice, researchers found that hydrogen water can lead to the development and growth of brain cells. This can improve things like memory. Moreover, it can help us think clearly.
Another study involving mice published in Scientific Reports found that the use of hydrogen-rich water greatly decreased depressive behavior and periods of stress. It did this by suppressing certain biomarkers that are common in states of oxidative stress.
A Big Q: Are you an athlete?
The Big A: If so, swap out your regular water for hydrogen-rich water. This type of water works wonders when it comes to decreasing the effects of things like exercise-induced muscle fatigue.
A study published in Medical Gas Research found that young athletes who drank hydrogen-rich water before exercising were not as tired afterward. They also experienced less muscle pain.
One study found that hydrogen-rich water can prevent the growth of cancer cells in the tongue. Another study found that hydrogen water stopped blood vessel growth in lung cancer cells.
Along with cancer prevention, hydrogen-rich water greatly improves the quality of life of cancer patients.
Many cancers require radiation therapy. Radiation therapy is life-saving. It is a huge part of cancer treatment and recovery. But the side effects of radiation therapy definitely decrease the quality of life.
A study involving patients with liver cancer found that hydrogen-rich water can improve the quality of life during radiation treatments. Hydrogen water does this by decreasing effects caused by oxidative stress without ruining the therapeutic benefits of radiation treatments.
Another Big Q: Want radiant skin?
The Big A: Hydrogen-rich water can help you attain gorgeous skin naturally.
A study published in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology found that bathing in hydrogen water decreased the appearance of wrinkles.
This research also shows that the use of hydrogen-rich water decreases the effect of damage caused by UV rays.
A study involving elderly patients with bed sores found that drinking hydrogen water reduces wound size and increases recovery.
Atopic dermatitis or eczema is an extremely common skin condition. Although not life-threatening, it is quite irritating.
A study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that drinking hydrogen water decreases the sken condition.
Research shows that drinking hydrogen water can protect the kidneys by reducing oxidative stress. A study found that hydrogen water can help people dealing with kidney disease.
Keep things crystal clear with hydrogen water. Research shows that drinking hydrogen water protects your hearing and can prevent hearing loss.
Overall, staying hydrated is important when it comes to oral health. This is 1 reason hydrogen water benefits teeth and gums.
Enjoy added benefits with the antibacterial effects of hydrogen help prevent gum disease.
The Big Q: Are There Any Side Effects to Drinking Hydrogen Water?
The Big A: There are no known side effects of drinking hydrogen water.
Hydrogen water can be used to enrich a variety of beverages, including: Coffee and Tea
Hydrogen-enriched water is available in blood within as little as 30 secs, you can feel it. It works, I have been drinking daily since I learned about it nearly 6yrs ago,
Eat healthy, Be healthy, Live lively