Bitget set their plan to expand the global workforce from to 1,000 by end of 2022 during Economic Recession and Crypto Winter
Bitget is set to increase the workforce to 1,000 lives in the next six months despite the current crypto market downturn this year, At the beginning of the second quarter, the overall market has approached to bear state, and a lot of projects and initiatives were suspended during the recession. Most companies decide to lay off the employee, cause over-hiring staff led to massive wages hikes and mismanagement.
The company has experienced tremendous growth aggressively and recurring cash flow during an uncertain state. At the beginning of 2021, Bitget had a small team of 150 and has since achieved a threefold increase in mid-2022. To cater to a burgeoning growth, Bitget will be pushing its hiring plan to accelerate the future initiative plan.
Managing Director of Budget, Gracy Chen has commented on this situation, and quotes, “Earlier this year, we announced our derivatives trading volume had reached an all-time high of $8.69 billion in March 2022. In the last 12 months, our trading volume grew by over 10 times, a notable achievement unlocked, moreover, our user base also grew significantly to two million users worldwide.”
Then She continued, “Of course, we were also eager to expand our team to cater to the rapidly growing market needs, however, we decided to adopt a more prudent approach right from the get-go. By scheduling frequent meetings with our global and regional teams to understand where resources are needed, we were able to systematically and effectively carry out strategic hires. As we continue to endure the crypto winter, it will be a perfect opportunity for us to attract talent in the market and strengthen our foundation, prioritize growth, and be prepared to welcome the next round of crypto adoption when the market regains strength.”
To make sure, Bitget plan to expand its global workforce to 1,000, equivalent to about 500 new employees and resources by the end of the year, in the product development and customer service fields. Hoping many companies will get through this crypto winter storm.
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