#foucus #happy
“Happy people focus on what matters most, they thrive on aversity and tune out the noise” — Paul Ebeling
Some things in life just aren’t worth getting upset over. It is easy to forget when just going through your day-to-day activities, but it is important.
When you feel yourself getting stressed over something, ask yourself this Big Q: Is this issue truly important to me, and is it something I can control?
The Big A: If No, let it go.
If the situation really bothers you, focus your efforts on something more important to you that brings happiness.
And just because someone is happy does not mean bad things do not happen to them.
Research shows that happy people thrive on adversity. Handling situations in negative ways such as yelling, lashing out, or shutting people out can really harm personal relationships. So instead, find a way to deal with an issue without compromising your relationships, or your happiness.
The research also shows that surrounding yourself with positive people and positive environments increases your own happiness.
Having people around you who reflect the emotions you want to feel helps you to keep your mental efforts focused on your own happiness.
The same goes with your environment- the less stressful and negative your surroundings are, the easier it is to be happy and positive.
Have a happy, healthy, prosperous weekend, Keep the Faith!