Latest Health News
Eating Your Way to High Energy
#eat #eating #food #water #energy Food is the fuel our bodies need…
The Positive Effects of Intermittent Fasting
#health #internittent #fasting #weight #obesity #diabetes #heart #brain "Fasting has been an…
Denying Natural Immunity is a Huge Mistake
#immunity #virus #vaccine "Mr. Biden’s focus on vaxxing as many Americans as…
Eat a High Protein Breakfast…
#eat #food #protein #breakfast #hunger #energy#brain "Skipping breakfast is linked to overeating,…
The Best Foods for Focus
#food #focus #brain #health "Our eating plan plays a major role in…
Vitamin D For All Times, Not Just During This Medical Chaos
#vitaminD3 #sun #UVB #body #skin #VirusCasedemic "Vitamin D3 is hormone produced by…
Coffee, Water and Memory
#coffee, #caffeine #water #memory A study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience…
Vaccine Awareness Week
#vaccine #vaccination #infection #transmission #immunity #myths #drugs #fear "The polls show 68%…
Health: Eat Oranges
#oranges #heart #eyes #health "Eat Oranges for a healthy heart and healthy…