#Goodwood #HotRods
Two Y 1951 landmarks are among the additions to this yr’s Goodwood Revival line-up, when the event returns on 17-19 September.
It is 70 yrs since the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA) was established by Wally Parks in the US, and to mark this the Revival hopes to welcome 1 of the biggest-ever Hot-Rod gatherings ever seen in Europe, featuring 1 car from every yr of the NHRA. Given that in the ’50s, Top performance marks were 140mph in 9 secs and today we are talking in excess of 330mph in under 3.7 secs, this will be a diverse spectacle.
16 cars from the Rolling Bones Hot Rod Shop in New York, a famous center of automotive craftsmanship, have been confirmed, plus vibrant displays from British hot rod groups including the Low Fliers, the Detonators, the Vultures and the Originals.
These will be joined by the UK’s largest gathering of 1932 Fords. Find this celebration at the relocated Gasoline Alley, complete with music, dancing and a mock drag strip.
Y 2021 also marks the 70th anni of the Festival of Britain, held on South Bank in London. Coming six years after the end of WW2 and 100 yrs since the Great Exhibition of 1851, it was a national showcase of British manufacturing, design, science, technology and the arts.
This will be remembered at the Goodwood Revival 2021 at Gate Two, attractions and entertainment including a recreation of the Hans Tisdall Cockerel mural, Punch and Judy and a helter skelter.
In addition, the Goodwood Trophy has been rechristened the Festival of Britain Trophy. A race of this name was 1st run at Goodwood’s Whitsun meet in Y 1951, inspired by London’s festival, and this yr will see some of the finest Grand Prix and voiturette cars of the 1930s and ‘40s going wheel-to-wheel.

There is more.
An on-track Victory Parade on Sunday, 19 September will be held to celebrate local service people and key workers in recognition of their tireless efforts during the pandemic, echoing that of Y 1946 at the end of WW2 which featuring a mechanized column and a marching column.
Following this blueprint, around 250 Key workers and service people, including paramedics, nurses, vaccination center volunteers, the armed forces, and fire and rescue services, will form the Victory Parade’s marching column.
Behind this will be a mechanised column, featuring more than 150 service vehicles, which will be exhibited on the Lavant infield during the 3-day festival.
Goodwood Revival 2021 timetable revealed
Have a happy, healthy holiday weekend, Keep the Faith!