by Kare Torres
On Tuesday, May 11th is the Taurus New Moon which goes direct at 2:59 PM EST. We are calling this new moon “The Moon of Relationship.” Remember that you are in relationship to everything in your life including your body, mind, and higher self.
You are also in relationship to others …. family, friends, and co-workers as well as in relationship to your finances, to your creations, and your life. This means that this powerful Taurus new moon has some significant healing opportunities as it has such relevance in your world.
The downloads I see associated with these new moon energies include violet flame transformation frequencies, rose pink quartz rapture energies, and the 12th level cerulean blue frequency of wonder!
Along with this trinity of violet, pink and blue frequencies, there are a myriad of symbols, geometrics, and other forms of healing alchemy coming into our bodies, channels, and containers. What a wondrous healing opportunity!
The tarot card I see associated with this new moon in Taurus is the 6 of Cups. The information I am receiving around this card has to do with generosity and making a connection. In the card, we see two people and one of them is receiving flowers. The other cups of flowers are lined up in front of them. I read this card as the light in each of us being the generous giver to others and Source being everyone’s generous benefactor and protector.
So during this powerful new moon portal, ask yourself for more clarity and healing around your relationship space. Is fear, unconsciousness, or judgment affecting your relationships?
If so, surrender those obstacles on a crystalline altar and ask for a healing! As always, a new moon on the 11th day is a clear message that new beginnings are available!
Pray, sing, drum, light a candle, or create any other kind of ceremony that your higher self guides in honor of your new creations. Happy New Moon! Love and blessings from my grateful heart to yours.
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