Latest Politics News
Carbon credits need more supply and integrity
Carbon credits could make a significant contribution to achieving net zero by…
Biden Pushes Yellen to End Freedom
Freedom is any form is the enemy of the Democrats. US Treasury…
Europe Fears Freedom and Elon Musk
Elon Musk pledged to run a more fair and transparent Twitter that…
World Leaders Consider Biden a Joke
France's President Emmanuel Macron fired an undiplomatic volley at his American hosts…
Bangkok PM2.5 is a Serious Health Risk
It is that time of year again where Bangkok suffers from a…
China Protests Latest News
China's major cities of Beijing and Shanghai were blanketed with security on…
Biden Buddy Now Foreign Agent Fighting Free Speech
Biden and the Democrats are strongly opposed to Free Speech. The former…
Elon Musk Vs Apple
Elon Musk on opened fire against Apple over its oppression of freedom…
Apple Oppose Free Speech Support China Crackdowns
It has not been a good week for Apple with the spotlight…
China Protests Continue
The ruling Communist Party's uncompromising zero-Covid strategy -- now in force for…